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Mining hardware

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Version vom 22. November 2011, 18:20 Uhr von Bluumi (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→‎AMD (ATI))
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Eine Auflistung der gängisten Hardware 10-20% performance können durch übertakten erreicht werden.


  • Mhash/s = millions hashes pro sekunde
  • Mhash/J = millions hashes pro watt
  • W = watt (maximaler Strom input)
  • Clock (in MHz) refers to the Shader clock only with nVidia cards (not Core or Memory). With AMD card the shader clock is not separate, but is part of the GPU clock.
  • SP = Stream processors (Shader Units)

Graphics cards


To get the maximum performance use the 2.1 release of the ATI Stream SDK. 2.2 wastes CPU time, and 2.3/2.4 drop mining performance by 5-10% unless using the Phoenix phatk kernel. Note: This statement is not entirely accurate. YMMV.

Model Mhash/s Mhash/J Mhash / $[1] Watts Clock SP SDK Slot Miner Notes
3XXX - - - - - - - - - OpenCL Not Supported
42XX - - - - - - - - - OpenCL Not Supported (integrated/mobile GPU)
4350 6.93 0.346 0.16 20 575 80 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -w 32, don't use vectors
4350 8.14 - 0.19 - 730 80 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Diablo/Windows7 -w 32. Model: Asus EAH4350 Silent. Memory at 400MHz. Runs at 60°C with ambient at 25°C.
4550 7.23 0.289 0.13 25 600 80 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -w 32, don't use vectors
4570M 8.02 0.297 ? 27 680 80 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 Diablo/Windows7 -w 64, SDK 2.4, Cat 11.4. Model: Sony Vaio NW
4570M 9.6 0.300 ? 32 825(OC) 80 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 Diablo/Windows7 -w 64, SDK 2.4, Cat 11.4. Model: Sony Vaio NW. OC core 680->825. U/C memory 800->500.
4650 31.33 0.653 0.44 48 650 320 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -w 32, don't use vectors
4670 36.14 0.613 0.34 59 750 320 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -w 32, don't use vectors
4670 40.11 0.679 0.38 59 800 320 - AGP x8 poclbm/Ubuntu 10.10 w/ H == 0 mod -w 32 -f 0, don't use vectors source
4670 50 - 0.47 60 800 320 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer 2 miners set up i7 920 (130W), CPU: Ufasoft, GPU: OpenCL; the CPU is getting about 40 Mhash/s while the GPU goes from 10-20 Mhash/s
4730 72.29 0.657 ? 110 750 640 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4770 72.29 0.904 0.72 80 750 640 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4830 55.42 0.583 95 575 640 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4830 66.12 0.503 105 700 1005 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4830 61.7 - - 700 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm-mod Fedora 14
4830 64.9 - - 700 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm-mod Fedora 14
4850 75.30 0.685 110 625 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4850 84.3 0.766 110 725 300 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 - -w64 fan at 70% temp 73C, stock voltage -gui miner
4850 90.1 0.819 110 800 500 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer -f 30; Tried phoenix and phatk, got same max
4850 101 0.918 110 817 500 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer -f 0, core 817mhz(default 625)@1.123v , mem downclock to 500mhz (default 993) source
4850x2 150.60 0.602 250 625 1600 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4860 67.47 0.519 130 700 640 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4870 92.84 0.6189333(?) 150(?) 830(OC) 800 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix 1.48 -k poclbm AGGRESSION=5 (Windows 7 64-Bit, GPU OC 750->830MHz, VRAM UC 900->450MHz, BIOS modded)
4870 104.6 0.872 120 830(OC) 800 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -w 256 -f 1, Windows 7 64-Bit, GPU Core OC to 830 MHz, GPU Memory UC to 190 MHz (saves 30 watts at outlet)
4870 90.36 0.602 150 750 800 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 clmine
4870 78 0.520 150 - - - PCI-E 2.0 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL/Vista 64bit source
4870x2 180.72 0.632 286 750 1600 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4870x2 180.6 0.632 286 800 1600 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4890 97.1 0.511 190 870(OC) 1050 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-01-21 Solo settings Sapphire fab. No flags options helped. Close all browsers and do full restart of GUIMiner and then Bitcoin via GUIMiner server starter or the browsers GPU accl. will limit to 56~ ish Mhash/s - I can now start browser without slowdowns
4890 102.41 0.539 190 850 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4890 108.3 0.57 190 975 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 -
4890 121.5 - 190 1025 (OC) 800 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm no flags, Vcore 1.4
5450 11.99 0.631 19 650 80 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5450 13.74 - - 700 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm/Linuxcoin v0.2 -v -w128 tried several options, seems to work best.
5450 14.12 - - 700 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix/Linuxcoin v0.2 Flags: "DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=4 -v FASTLOOP BFI_INT WORKSIZE=64" Kernel: "phatk"
5450 15.36 - - 700 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix Flags: "DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGRESSION=8 FASTLOOP BFI_ING WORKSIZE=128" Kernel: "phatk" - MagicSata
5550 40.59 1.041 39 550 320 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5570 59.96 1.538 39 650 400 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5570 64 1.641 39 650 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL/WinXP source
5570 62 1.59 39 650 400 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Linux x86_64 -k phatk DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=4 -v FASTLOOP BFI_INT WORKSIZE=64
5570 73 1.872 39 700 400 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Linux x86_64 -k phatk DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=4 -v FASTLOOP BFI_INT WORKSIZE=64
5570 77 1.975 39 700 400 2.5 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Windows x64 -k phatk DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=8 -v FASTLOOP BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128
5570 102 1.46(+) 75(-) 950 400 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Windows 7 x86 (no Aero) -k phatk DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=7 -v FASTLOOP BFI_INT WORKSIZE=256 (Reference Sapphire card, 2 additional 120mm coolers, temperature is 79-82C)
5650 48 1.37 35(?) - - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL/Win7-64 source source -- not TDP but load
5650M 74 4.93 15 695 ? 2.4 PCI-E guiminer 2011-07-01 poclbm -v -w 128 -f10
5670 71.49 1.117 64 775 400 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5670 72 1.64 44 850 - - PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm-mod (Win7-64) Sapphire 100287VGAL card is low power
5670 85 - - 900 400 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -f 0 -w 128
5670 91 - - 890 400 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer 2011-06-09 poclbm catalyst 11.2 win7 x86 -v -f 0 -w 128
5750 116.24 1.352 86 700 720 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5750 137 - - 710 - - PCI-E 1.1 x16 poclbm -v -f 0 -w 128 using stock memory and GPU clocks
5750 146.4 - - 775 - - PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-21 -v -w128, AMD Catalyst overclock (775MHz GPU / 1225 MHz Memory)
5750 154.56 1.45 106 830 720 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 - -v -w128 -f20 underclocked memory clocks from 1150MHz to 300MHz
5750 170 - - 870 - - PCI-E 1.1 x16 poclbm -v -f 0 -w 128 patched BIOS to underclock memory to 300MHz
5750 173 - - 875 - - PCI-E 1.1 x16 phoenix 875/300 w/MSI Afterburner, BFI_INT VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 FASTLOOP=FALSE -k phatk
5770 156.83 1.452 108 850 800 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine
5770 Hawk 182 - - 875 800 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm/GUIMiner/Win7-64 -v -w 128 (875MHz is stock for 5770 Hawk)
5770 180 1.406(*) 128(*) 950(OC) 800 2.4RC1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w 128 -f 30 (*: Overclocked wattage calculated here)
5770 185 - - 850 1200 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128 FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=7
5770 205.58 - - 935 300 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 2011-04-28 -v -w 256
5770 210.7 1.95(-) 108(+) 950 800 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / win7x86 mem underclocked 309 mhz, -k phatk DEVICE=0 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12
5770 218.35 - - 1000 1401 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 DiabloMiner -w 128 -v 2 (Overclocked to 1Ghz core with 1.2 voltage and Scythe Setsugen 2 cooling system)
5770 223 2.23(-) 100(+) 1050 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer -v -w256 source
5770 226 - - 100(+) 1025 300 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.50 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=14 -k phatk WORKSIZE=128 (OC 1020/300) XFX@1.1 volts
5770 227 - - 1030 800 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 DiabloMiner -w 256 -v 2 (Overclocked to 1030 core/300 mem with 1.2 voltage and Scythe Setsugen 2 cooling system)
5770 233 2.23(-) 100(+) 1050 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12 -k phatk WORKSIZE=256 source
5770 240.61 2.3632(-) 100(+) 1080 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x1 phoenix 1.48 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12 -k phatk WORKSIZE=256 (OC'd and OV'd 1080/300 1.25v)
5830 244 1.36 179 800 1000 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Linux x86_64 -k phatk DEVICE=1 VECTORS AGGRESSION=6 -v FASTLOOP WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT
5830 267 - - 875 1000 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x1 Phoenix 1.48 OpenCL/Linux x86_64 -k phatk DEVICE=1 VECTORS AGGRESSION=6 -v FASTLOOP WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT
5830 245 1.28 192 880 900 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm (guiminer) -v -w 256
5830 248 1.29 192 880 500 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.46 -k poclbm VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11
5830 256 - - 900 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 -k poclbm VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=7
5830 272 1.52 179 875 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / LinuxCoin 275Mhz Memory clock, 1.125 V (from 1.163), VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT
5830 275 1.5714 175 900 500 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm (guiminer) Win7x64 -v -w64 -f10, XFX stock w/ v2.4 SDK = 230Mh/s, v2.1 SDK = +10Mh/s, overclocking core clock by 100 = +30Mh/s, underclocking memory to 500 (ran cooler), and changing workload to -w64 = +5Mh/s.
5830 285 - 1.58 - 960 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.47 / poclbm / Win7 64 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12
5830 287 - - 935 - 2.2 PCI-E x16 GUIMiner / phoenix 1.5 / phatk / Win 7 64 -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=256 AGGRESSION=12 FASTLOOPS=false / Memory 300Mhz, VCore standard
5830 290 - - 996 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.4 / poclbm / Win7 64 VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT
5830 295 - - 980 1120 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 GUIMiner / poclbm / Win XP 32 Extra flags -v -w 128
5830 297 - - 970 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer / phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 300Mhz Memory clock, 44% fan-speed, -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=8 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5830 300 - - 970 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.47 / pheonix 1.48 / Win7 64 (sapphire xtreme) VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12
5830 300 - - 970 1120 2.1 PCI-E x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 300Mhz memory clock BFI_INT AGGRESSION=12 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5830 305 - - 984 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.4 / phatk / Win7 32 400Mhz Memory clock, VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false
5830 307 - - 996 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT
5830 308 - - 990 375 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 32 @ stock voltage VECTORS AGGRESSION=11 -v FASTLOOP=false BFI_INT
5830 black 310 - - 990 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x8 LinuxCoin 0.2b, phoenix/phatk (XFX Brand) -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=256 AGGRESSION=11 FASTLOOPS=false
5830 311 - - 1000 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.50 / phatk / Linux VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5830 316.35 - - 1015 375 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 32 @ stock voltage VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 -v FASTLOOP=false BFI_INT
5830 318 - - 1030 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 385Mhz Memory, VECTORS AGGRESSION=9 BFI_INT
5830 319 - 1.77 - 1030 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Xp 64 1.2v 355Mhz Memory, VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT
5830x2 CF 480 - - 800 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Guiminer -v -f70 -w128
5830x2 570 - - 950 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x8 Guiminer/ - / Win7 64bit poclbm poclbm -v -w256 -f10 MEMORYCLOCK 300MHZ GPUCLOCK 950MHZ FAN 52% 72°C
5850 240.77 1.595 1.49 151 725 1440 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 -
5850 250.26 1.657 151 725 1440 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 opencl client source
5850 252 1.575 160 765 1440 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 2011-01-25
5850x4 1360 1.94 700@wall 900 poclbm
5850 255.3 1.593 160 765 1440 2.2 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 2011-01-25
5850 264 1.748 151 725 1440 2.4 PCI-E 1.0 x8 guiminer-20110501 -v -w128
5850 280 1.75 160 765 1440 2.2 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.3 with BFI_INT
5850 280 - - 725 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.50 / Fedora 14 -v -k poclbm VECTORS AGGRESSION=8 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT FASTLOOP=true
5850 292 1.825 160 765 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 2011-04-28 -v -f 1
5850 298 1.8620 160 765 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 2011-04-28 -v -f 1 -w 64
5850 300 1.5460 194 925(OC) 1440 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL source
5850 314 1.8362 171 820(OC) 1440 2.4 PCI-E 1.0 x8 poclbm -v -w128
5850 330 - - 850 @ Stock voltage 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix EAH5850, miner arguments: -k poclbm DEVICE=1 VECTORS AGGRESSION=8 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false
5850 335 1.8611 180 890(OC) 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x8 poclbm -v -w128, Memory downclocked to 300Mhz
5850 344 1.8594 185 890(OC) 1440 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix
5850 347 - - 876 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer / phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 300Mhz Memory clock, 50% fan-speed, -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5850 354 - - 900(OC) 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 diablo -v 2 -w 128 Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit Headless, catalyst 11.5, memory downclocked to 300mhz, stock voltage. flashed with atiflash video
5850 355 - - 900(OC) 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit, Memory downclocked to 200MHz, VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=128
5850 355 - - 900 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Ubuntu 11.04 x64 300Mhz Memory clock, 60% fan-speed, -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5850 359 - - 900 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.50 / phatk / Ubuntu 11.04 x64 300Mhz Memory clock, 66% fan-speed, -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5850 365 - - 920 1440 2.1 PCI-E x16 phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 300Mhz memory clock VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
5850 375 - - 940 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.50 / phatk / Ubuntu 10.04 300Mhz memory clock VECTORS AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=256 BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false
5850 382 1.8454 207 995(OC) 1440 - PCI-E 2.0 x8 phoenix OC 1.177v on core
5850 386 - - 970 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16(@x8) guiminer / phoenix 1.48 / phatk / Win7 64 5870 bios flash, Mem @300, fan@58%, Temp@80oC, 1.163Vcore, -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256 (two concurrent miners, each miner with diff CPU affinity)
5850 391 - - 1000 1440 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16(@x8) phoenix 1.5 / phatk / Win7 64 Mem @ 280, fan @ 100%, Temp @ 71, 1.163 V core, -v -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256, The name is Mautobu
5850 392 - 2.43 - 990 1440 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix-svn (AUR) / phatk / Arch Linux Memory: 180MHz, -v -q 1 -k phatk WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 FASTLOOP=false
5870M 152.5 - - 750(OC) 1000 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 gui-miner (win-7)
5870 313.65 1.668 1.65 188 850 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine
5870 313 1.665 188 900? 1600 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Diablo/Linux
5870 343 1.824 188 900? 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Diablo/Linux
5870 355 1.888 188 900? 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm/Linux
5870 340 1.809 188 850 1600 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL source
5870 360 1.6822 214 970 700 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 m0mchil's OpenCL w7-64 -f 0 -v -w 128 source
5870 377 2.008 188 850 1600 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 hashkill-0.2.5 alpha -D -G2
5870 397 - - 930 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix 1.48 -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=10 WORKSIZE=128
5870 408 1.8888 216 980 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm/Win7x64 -f 20 -v -w 128, BIT_ALIGN, BFI_INT
5870 400 1.9047 210 950 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x8 Phoenix 1.3 -k poclbm VECTORS AGGRESSION=7 FASTLOOP BFI_INT
5870 398 1.980 201 900 1600 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 hashkill-0.2.5 alpha -D -G2 (GPU OC to 900, memory downclocked to 900)
5870 414 1.9255 215 975 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer/w7x64 -k poclbm -v -w 256 -f 1 VECTORS BITALIGN BFI_INT -- Memory Clock 300
5870 420 2.0000 210 950 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix 1.48 -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=14 WORKSIZE=256 -- Memory Clock 300Mhz
5870 421 1.9581 215 975 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix 1.47 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 -k phatk
5870 440 2.0000 220 995 1600 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix
5870 438 1.9819 221 1000(OC) 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm/Linux -v -w 64 -f 1
5870 458 - - 1040 1600 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm/Windows 7 64 -v -w 256 -f 1 Crossfired, Water cooled, 916 Mhash/s total. Best dual gpu setup me thinks? The name is Mautobu.
5870 435 - - 990 300 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x8 LinuxCoin v0.2b phoenix/phatk (Powercolor brand) -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=256 AGGRESSION=11 FASTLOOPS=false
5870 445 2.28 2.34 195 1005 335 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x4 Ubuntu 11.04 phoenix/phatk (Asus brand, volts = 1'072) -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=256 AGGRESSION=12 FASTLOOPS=false -a 7 (-a 10)
5870x2 (Ares) 620 - - 850 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer -v -w 128
5870x2 (Ares) 826 0.751 1100 950 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.4 w/ Phtak AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT Memory @ 300MHz
5870x2 (Ares) 826 1.18 700 935 3200 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 w/ Phatk AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=256 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false, memory @ 319 MHz, Windows 7 32-bit
5870x2 (Ares) 878 0.585 1500 1000 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.7 w/ Phtak AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT Memory @ 300MHz
5970 530 1.803 0.53 ? 294 725 3200 2.4.595.10 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm/201103.beta3/Windows -v -w128 -f60
5970 535.06 1.820 294 725 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine
5970 560 1.905 294 725 3200 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 Diablo
5970 565 1.922 294 725 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine2
5970 604 2.054 294 725 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine
5970 645 1.875 344 850 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil/poclbm 03-07-11 -f1, Debian 6, fglrx-driver 10.9.3
5970 740 2.1511 344 850 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix/1.3 AGGRESSION=12 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT, memory clock @ 300MHz
5970 755 2.2076 342 848 3200 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm 28-04-11 -f 1 -w 256 -v, Ubuntu 10.10, fglrx 11.4, memory clock @ 300MHz
5970 802 2.31 347 850 3200 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix poclbm Ubuntu 11.04 -q 6 -k AGGRESSION=19 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT VECTORS, fglrx 11.4, mem clock @ 1000MHz
5970 822.2 - - 950 3200 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix win7 -k phatk -q 6 AGGRESSION=20 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT VECTORS, but with this increasing difficulty mining becomes pretty pointless
6310M 9.821 0.545 18 500 80 2.4 Integrated/APU poclbm-gui -v -w128 HP DM1z 18W TDP is shared with the CPU
6470M 24.1 - - - - 2.1 Integrated/APU guiminer
6470M 31.0 - - - - 2.1 Integrated/APU phoenix 1.48
6490M 17.18 - - - - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoneix 1.50 with poclbm, Mac OS X 10.6.7 MacBook Pro 2,8 VRAM: 256MB. phoenix -k poclbm VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP
6490M 16.289 0.708 23 - - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm-mod (Mac OS X 10.6.7) MacBook Pro early 2011
6490M 15.21 - - - - - - DiabloMiner GUI v2011-05-22 / Mac OS X 10.6.7 Model: MacBookPro8,2 VRAM: 256MB
6570 68.0 1.133 60 650 480 2.4 PCI-E x16 guiminer 2011-05-21 with poclbm (Win7-32bit) no extra option for miner . Sapphire 6570 gddr5 512mb
6570 82.1 1.368 60 650 480 2.4 PCI-E x16 guiminer 2011-05-21 with poclbm (Win7-32bit) -v -w128 . Sapphire 6570 gddr5 512mb
6670 102.20 - - 800 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm/Debian sid -v -f 0 -w 128
6750 167.59 - - 870 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer -v -f30 -w128
6770 180 - - 850 1200 - - guiminer -v -w128 , this was an XFX (OEM) model, GPU @ 850 MHz, mem @ 1200 MHz; I pushed it up to 190 Mhash/s briefly by overclocking, but it crashed the system above that
6770 202 - - 960 800 - PCI-E 2.1 x1,x4,x8,x16 phoenix 1.48 Sapphire 6770 (standard) -q2 -k poclbm DEVICE=0 AGGRESSION=10 VECTORS WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT FASTLOOP (The PCI-E speed does not affect the mining speed)
6770 208 - - 950 800 - PCI-E x16 Guiminer with phoenix Sapphire 6770 -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128 FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12
6790 220 1.467 150 800 - - PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.48 -k phatk BFI_INT FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=12 VECTORS OC'd to 1ghz, underclocked mem to 300, voltage at 1175
6850 171.59 1.351 1.07 127 775 960 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 clmine
6850 196 - - 850 960 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w 128 -f 0
6850 220 1.236(*) 178(*) 1000(OC) 960 2.4RC1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w 128 -f 30 (*: Overclocked wattage calculated here )
6850 234.8 - - 940 960 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.3 AGGRESSION=8 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT
6850 236.0 - - 940 960 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.4 -k phatk AGGRESSION=12 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT, Core @ 900MHz, Memory @ 300MHz
6850 244.2 - - 960 960 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm june-2011 -v -w 128
6850 245.1 - 200 940 940 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer (Phoenix) Sapphire 6850 (Memory @1000MHz); Win7 64bit; flags: -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=14 WORKSIZE=128
6850 267.2 1.67 - 1010(OC) 960 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 guiminer / phoenix 1.50 -k phatk VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 worksize=128 FASTLOOP=false
6870 232.47 1.540 1.22 151 900 1120 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w 128
6870 277.47 - - 940 1120 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.3 AGGRESSION=8 WORKSIZE=128 VECTORS BFI_INT
6870 271 1.807 150 940 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 poclbm -v -w 128 Debian 6.0.1 x86_64
6870 260.1 1.611 175 1001 1120 2.2 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm-gui windows7x86 cat 11.3 -v -w 128 -f 1
6870 276 1.828(?) 151(?) 900 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 hashkill-0.2.5 alpha cat 11.4 sdk 2.4 -G2 -D stock clocks, debian linux 64bit
6870 281.7 1.172 (stock) - 980 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer-v2011-06-09 xfx6870, flags: -v 19 -w 128, win7 32-bit
6870 294 - 980 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix phatk xfx6870, 340MHz memory clock, Catalyst 11.6, flags: BFI_INT VECTORS AGGRESSION=9 WORKSIZE=256
6870 300.06 1.830 164 1020 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.4 cat 11.4 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=8 fastloop mem clock 344
6870 306 1.748(?) 175(?) 1000 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 hashkill-0.2.5 alpha cat 11.4 sdk 2.4 -G2 -D overclocked to 1000, debian linux 64bit
6870 300 1.72 174 1038 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm windows7x86 cat 11.4 -v -w128 -f1 mem clock 360, fan 100% temp 73C
6870 310 - - 1035 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 phatk 11.5 sdk 2.4 BFI_INT VECTORS FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12 WORKSIZE=128, mem clock @ 300MHz, voltage @ 1.300
6870 314 - - 1030 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.50 / phatk / Linux VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 FASTLOOP=false WORKSIZE=256
6870 316 - - 1030 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer 2011-06-09 using phoenix (Win7-32bit) -k phatk platform=0 device=0 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 worksize=128 FASTLOOP=false, mem clock @ 228MHz, voltage @ 1.25, Fan @ 40%, Temp @ 73C
6870 322 1.882 170 1050 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.47 phatk 11.5 sdk 2.4 BFI_INT VECTORS FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=12 WORKSIZE=256, mem clock @ 400MHz
6870 329 - - 1075 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48 phatk 11.5 sdk 2.4 BFI_INT VECTORS FASTLOOP=false AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=256
6870 245 - - 900 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 ph rising 1.45 phoenix 1.50 phatk 11.5 sdk 2.4 HD5xxx+ Fastloop phatk AGGRESSION=10
6870 297 - - 1000 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 ph rising 1.62 phoenix 1.50 phatk 11.5 sdk 2.4 Vectors HD5xxx+ Fastloop phatk AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=128
6870 321 - - 1050 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x8 aoclbf 1.7 phoenix 1.50 11.6 Vectors HD5xxx+ phatk AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=256, Memory=325MHz, Volts=1.3V, Fan~55%, Temps~70C
6870 332 - 1.74 - 1050 1120 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer 2011-06-14 using phoenix (Win7-32bit) -k phatk platform=0 device=0 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=13 worksize=128 FASTLOOP=false, mem clock @ 228MHz, voltage @ 1.3, Fan @ 60%, Temp @ 74C, flash and browser hardware acceleration disabled, aero enabled.
6870x4 1150 - 1.2 - 900 1050 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 phoenix 1.7 (Win7-64bit) -k phatk platform=0 device=0-3 VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 worksize=128 FASTLOOP=false
6950 272 - 0.90 - 900 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48/poclbm max stable @ 1150 mV, AGGRESSION = 7, BFI_INT, MSI 6950
6950 291 - - 920 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48/poclbm max stable @ 1200mV, AGGRESSION = 7, BFI_INT, MSI 6950
6950 295 - - 930 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48/poclbm max stable @ 1275mV, AGGRESSION = 7, BFI_INT, MSI 6950
6950 300 - - 940 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48/poclbm max stable @ 1300mV, AGGRESSION = 7, BFI_INT, MSI 6950
6950 295 1.844(?) 160(?) 810 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil/poclbm 03-07-11 unlocked shaders, default mem 1250
6950 314 - - 800 1408 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm 05-01-11 -v -f30 -w128 default mem 1250 Stock Sapphire 6950 1gb
6950 325 1.635(?) 200(?) 885 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil/poclbm 03-07-11 unlocked shaders, default mem 1250
6950 339 ~1.80 1.13 ~188 860 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix 1.50/poclbm kernel non-ref card w/ shaders locked in hardware; core @ 860 MHz & 1100mV, mem @ 1250 MHz; cmd line args: VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=128; power and MH/J calculated using Power = C*f*v^2 w/ assumption of 175 W at stock settings w/ 100% GPU util. (true values may differ)
6950 340 - - 895 1408 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm 05-21-11 -v -w 128, mem @ 500, 1200 mV, MSI 6950
6950 340 - - 800 1536 (?) PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm 05-21-11 -v -f30 -w128 default mem 1250,Sapphire 6950 1gb, unlocked shaders
6950 349 1.745(?) 200(?) 800 1408 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm 05-21-11 -v -f30 -w128, xfx 6950 xxx 1gb, locked shaders, core 900, mem 650, 79° C
6950 360 1.8(?) 200(?) 970 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil/poclbm 03-07-11 unlocked shaders, default mem 1250
6950 360 - - 870 1375 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm flashed with 6970 BIOS, -v -f30 -w128
6950 365 - - 925 1408 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm stock bios, -v -f0 -w128, MSI twinfrozr III 2GB
6950 344.4 - - 800 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 352.8 - - 820 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 366.4 - - 850 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 388.4 - - 900 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 403 - - 939 685 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix-1.50/phatk ASUS EAH6950 ((Ref. 6950 Flashed -> 6970)) / +10% overdrive volt., Fan @ 90%, VECTORS BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128 AGGRESSION=13. Overclocked from 880 -> 939 with MSI Aferburner
6950 410.4 - - 950 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 432.4 - - 1000 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 454.4 - - 1050 1536 - PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm Powercolor 6950 @ shadermod on original Bios 6950 / 1000mV 850/730, +20% powertune, Fan @ 60%, -v -w128 -f1.
6950 417 2.085(?) 200(?) 975 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm unlocked shaders, +20% overdrive, mem @ 1250, fan @ 77%, temp 64C, -v -w128, gpu core @ 1145mV
6950 428 2.14(?) 200(?) 1000 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm unlocked shaders, +20% overdrive, mem @ 1250, fan @ 80%, temp 64C, -v -w128, gpu core @ 1160mV
6950 432 2.16(?) 1.44 200(?) 1000 1536 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm unlocked shaders, +20% overdrive, mem @ 520, fan @ 80%, temp 76C, -v -w128 -f 2, gpu core @ 1275mV
6950x4 1316 1.513 870 840 1408 2.4.595.0 PCI-E 2.1 x16 m0mchil/poclbm 03-07-11 locked shaders, default mem 1250, dual fan 75C typical
6970 323 1.468 0.92 220 880 1536 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -w 64, SDK 2.1 not supported on 69xx.
6970 370 - - 880 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm -v -w128, fan @ 50%/temp 72C, stock card
6970 372 1.691(?) 220(?) 900 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix (svn trunk 05.14.2011) clock 900/1375, VECTORS BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=128, fan 45% (auto) / temp 90C
6970 388 - - 900 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm -v -w128, fan @ 50%/temp 72C, stock voltage of 1.175v
6970 385 1.964 196 900 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm -v -w128, memory downclocked to 684Mhz, fan @ 70%/temp 81C
6970 380 - - - - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w128
export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1 # to reduce poclbm CPU from 100% to 2%
6970 403 - - MAX 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm clock Max/50%+stock, -v -w128, fan= 100%/temp 72C (Note: Overclocked using CCC utility under Windows 7, Clock set to Max value w/ 50% increase to memory and 5% increase to voltage)
6970 407 - - 955 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w128, fan 75%/temp 75C, voltage +10%
6970 414 - - 960 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm -v -w128, fan @ 53%/temp 73C, stock voltage of 1.175v, high air flow case
6970 420 - - 975 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 guiminer/poclbm -v -w128 -f0, clocks 975MHz/685MHz MSI Lightning
6970 423 - 1.20 - 995 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix 1.48/poclbm ATI Tray Tools, Clocks=995/331.25, WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT AGGRESSION=11 VECTORS ,68C @ 65% Fan, HAF932 Case
6970x2 710 - - 900/880 1536 2.2 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -w 256
6970x2 804 - - 940 1536 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm -v -w128, fans 74%/82%, temp 74C/82C, voltage +20%, memory underclock 825MHz (via MSI Afterburner)
6990 670 1.94 0.89 346 830 3072 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 poclbm Catalyst 11.4 source.
6990 708 2.05 346 830 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 mrb's hdminer BIOS switch at "default" position 2, see source
6990 746 1.82 410 880 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 mrb's hdminer BIOS switch at "overclocked" position 1, see source
6990 758 - - 880 - 2.4 - Phoenix with Poclbm Catalyst 11.4, OC switch ON, VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128 FASTLOOP=false
6990 771 1.8804 410 880 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 mrb's hdminer SDK 2.1 not supported on 69xx. Memory clock @ 1280Mhz.
6990 772 1.8380 420 900 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 Phoenix & Poclbm OC switch ON + overclocked to 900 mhz, VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128
6990 790 - - 900 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 mrb's hdminer BIOS switch at "overclocked" position 1; with "aticonfig --odsc=900,1260" to further overclock the GPU to 900 MHz and mem to 1260 MHz, see source
6990 802 - - 915 3072 2.3 PCI-E 2.1 x16 mrb's hdminer BIOS switch at "overclocked" position 1; with "aticonfig --odsc=915,1260" to further overclock the GPU to 915 MHz and mem to 1260 MHz, see source
6990 835 - 1.11 - 890/860 3072 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 phoenix BIOS switch at "overclocked" position 1; with "aticonfig --adapter=1 --odsc=990,890 and aticonfig --adapter=0 --odsc=960,860" (GPU 0 runs hot). Currently, aticonfig can only underclock RAM to 100mhz below core speed. Command line: -k poclbm VECTORS AGGRESSION=13 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT
6990x2 1436 1.848 777 880 6144 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 x2 guiminer 2011.05.11 AUSUM switch set to 1 on both cards; Core left at 880MHz, memory left at 1250MHz; VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128
6990x2 1700 1.416 1200 1010 3072 2.1 PCI-E 2.0 x16 x16 guiminer 2011.06.14 GPU 1010MHz, Memory 900MHz; VECTORS AGGRESSION=12 BFI_INT WORKSIZE=128 FASTLOOP=false
6990x3 2094 - - 900 - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 x8 x4 poclbm GPU 900MHz, Memory 1250MHz; -f 0 -w 256
FirePro V4800 79.7 - - 775 400 2.4 PCI-E 2.1 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-01
FirePro V8700 84.8 - - 750 800 - - poclbm-mod.03.24.2011
FirePro M5800 61.4 - - 650 - - - poclbm-mod.03.24.2011 Ubuntu
FirePro M5800 69.3 - - 650 400 2.1 - GUIMiner v2011-04-26 -v -w128, Windows 7 32bit
FirePro V5800 119 - - 690 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-01 Windows 7 32bit
FirePro V5800 144 - - 690 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-01 -v -w128 (Windows 7 32bit)
FirePro V5800 161 - - 780 800 - PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-01 -v -w128 (Windows 7 32bit)
FirePro V7750 35.7 - - - - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 GUIMiner v2011-05-21 Windows 7 64bit
FirePro V7800 254.85 - - - - 2.4 PCI-E 2.0 x16 Phoenix 1.48 with poclbm Debian Squeeze
FirePro M7820 150.0 - - 700 800 2.1 PCI-E 2.1 x16 GUIMiner v2011-06-09 / poclbm Memory downclocked to 500 from 1000MHz, 169MH/s@800MHz, 181MH/s@860Mhz (max.), only SDK2.1 works, Windows 7 x86
  1. $ Prices from on 2011-06-25


Model Mhash/s Mhash/J Watts Clock SP Comment
ION 1.8 0.067 27 16 poclbm; power consumption incl. CPU
8200 mGPU 1.2 1200 16 128 MB shared memory, "poclbm -w 128 -f 0"
8400 GS 2.3 "poclbm -w 128"
8400 GS 1.6 0.013 128 1238 DiabloMiner -w 128 -f 1 source
8400M GS 2.0
8500GT 2.4 918 16 poclbm under GUIMiner
8600M GT 4.93 32
8600M GT 3.8 Macbook Pro running Diablo
8600GT 5.66 1188 32
8600GT OC 7.3 1602 32 poclbm -w 128 source
8800GT 25 0.24 105 1300
8800GT 24.5 0.23 105 1300 source
8800GT 31.1 0.296 105 1855 Overclocked 715 GPU / 1030 Memory / 1855 Shader; GuiMiner v2011-05-21
8800GT 31.8 0.303 105 1836 112 713 gpu, 1026 memory. win7x86, phoenix 1.48, -k poclbm WORKSIZE=64 AGGRESSION=5
8800GTS 16.8 0.109 154 source source
8800 GTS 18.7 0.124 150 1200 poclbm -w 64 no vectors
8800 GTX 27.5 1404 phoenix 1.48, poclbm, no vectors, 83C with 50C ambient
8800m GTX 16.3 rpcminer-cuda Win7-64
9300GE 1.57 1300 8
9300GS 1.69 1400 8
9300/nForce 730i 2.15 1200 16
9400GT 3.37 0.067 50 1400 16
9400M (MacBook) 1.90 0.32 6 700 poclbm -f 8 no vectors
9500GT 6.75 0.135 50 1400 32
9500GT 7.10 0.135 50 1767 32 rpcminer-cuda, Overclocked 707 GPU / 500 Memory / fan 100% 73C steady
9600GSO 19.88 0.237 84 1375 96
9600GSO512 11.75 0.131 90 1625 48
9600GT 15.66 0.165 95 1625 64
9600GT Zotac 15 1650 64
9600GT OC 18.8 <0.198 >95 1981 64 poclbm -w 128 -f 10 source source
9600M GS 4.0 1075 32 rpcminer-cuda
9800GT 30.36 0.289 105 1800 112
9800GT EE 19.7 0.263 75 1375 112 rpcminer-cuda
9800GT OC 29.5 0.283 105 1836 112, no options. Memory underclocked to 850Mhz, GPU overclocked to 733Mhz
9800GTX 32.54 0.232 140 1688 128
9800GTX+ 35.39 0.251 141 1836 128
9800GTX+ 36 factory OC ubuntu -w 128 -f 10 -a 10 (DO NOT USE -v)
9800GTX+ 37.23 0.266 140 1890 128 win7x64 275.27 phoenix(1.48) -k poclbm AGGRESSION=3 WORKSIZE=64
9800GTX+ 40.20 0.287 140 835 128 lowered memory clock higher core, unstable if going higher
9800GX2 57.83 0.294 197 2x128
9800GX2 28 0.142 197 2x128 source
G210 3.38 0.111 30.5 1402 16
G210 3.79 0.124 30.5 1402 16 poclbm -f 1
GT220 10.8 0.084 128 1360 DiabloMiner -w 128 -f 1000 source
GT230 15.5 0.161 96 650 64 (9600GT rebranded one from in a medion pc)
GT240 19.37 0.281 69 1340 96
GT240 21.24 96 poclbm-mod -f 0 -v source
GT240 28.1 96 poclbm -f0 -v (Gainward GT240 1024DDR5 OC core@670/stockmem@1700/shader@1700 - stable; max.temp=73)
GT240M 9.8 0.426 23 550 48 poclbm -f 0 -w 256
GT330 21.65 poclbm -f 0 -w 256
GTS250 35.39 0.244 145 1836 128
GTS250 35.2 0.243 145 1836 128
GTS250 OC 37 0.255 145 2047 128
GTX260M 22.5 500 112 poclbm 4/28/2011 Asus G71GX runs ~90c without cooling pad
GTX260 35.91 0.178 202 1242 192
GTX260 44 0.242 182 1242 216 source
GTX260c216 40.40 0.236 171 1242 216
GTX260c216 47.4 0.260 182 1348 216 poclbm -w 256
GTX260c216 50.00 1050 216 m0mchil GPU client, Windows 7 64-bit, x6 @ 3.5ghz
GTX260c216 OC 52.0 1461 216 "poclbm -w 256 -f 1"
GTX260c216 OC 58.9 756/400 216 Core overclocked, Memory underclocked, Ubuntu 11.04 Classic Session(No Effects) "poclbm -w 256 -f 1"
GTX260c216 OC 60.1 1706 216 Core: 364 MHz, Shaders: 1706 MHz, Memory: 594 MHz, VDDC: 1.1800V. "poclbm-mod -w 256 -f 1"
GTX275 50.75 0.232 219 1404 240
GTX275 58 729/1458 240 poclbm -f 0 -w 256
GTX280 46.84 0.198 236 1296 240
GTX280 64.34 0.289 245 1296 240 phoenix.exe -k poclbm AGGRESSION=6 WORKSIZE=128 (61*C with Accelero XTREME GTX280)
GTX285 64.8 1607 240 GuiMiner - Not sure about wattage yet. Still testing. Card runs around 74 C
GTX285 53.35 0.262 204 1476 240
GTX295 89.78 0.311 289 1242 480
GTX295 120.70 0.418 289 1242 480 GUIMiner no oc.
GTX295 117.30 0.406 289 1476 490
GT 320M (MacBook Air) 6.12 1212 48
320M (Mac mini 2010) 7.0 0.35 20 450 32 poclbm no extra options, windows 7 x64
GT 325M 7.5 990 48 rpcminer-cuda
GT 330M 7.97 Model: MacBookPro6,2 VRAM: 512MB Software: DiabloMiner GUI v2011-05-22 / Mac OS X 10.6.7
GT 330M (Sony Vaio Z) 7.8 0.71 ( 0.3 total) 11 (26w total) 1045 48
GTS 350M (Toshiba A665-3DV) 17.0 1.214 14 1080 DiabloMiner-Windows.exe
GTS 360M 25.0 [toshiba qosmio laptop, ~150-165*F stock fans]
GTS 360M (ASUS G60jx) 20.0 everythins is stock, it cannot sustain. it reaches 90 degrees and freezes.
GT430 20.24 0.413 49 1400 96
GT540M 16.0 rpcminer-cuda
GTS450 45.28 0.427 106 1566 192
GTX460SE 56.39 0.376 150 1300 288
GTX460 66.32 814 336 rpcminer-cuda 20110605, Graphics Clock @ 814MHz, Memory @ 1555MHz
GTX460 68.31 0.427 160 1350 336
GTX460 768MB 57.8 ? 1350 336 rpcminer-cuda -gputhreads=320 -gpugrid=336
GTX460 768MB (MSI Cyclone 768D5/OC) 75.1 ? 930 336 rpcminer-cuda on Win7 x64 with ForceWare 275.33. MSI Afterburner set to core: 930MHz, shader: 1850MHz, core voltage: 1.087V, memory: 1600MHz. Runs at 58°C with fan at 75% (ambient 25°C).
GTX460 1GB DirectCU 72.3 ? ? 1672 336 rpcminer-cuda -gputhreads=320 -gpugrid=336
GTX460 (2 cards) 102 0.319? 320? 1350 source
GTX460 (2 cards) OC 127 0.374 340 1620 2x 336 rpcminer-cuda -gpugrid=128 -gputhreads=128 ver.20110227
GTX465 64.41 0.322 200 1215 352
GTX470 81.98 0.381 215 1215 448
GTX470 94.7 1414
GTX470 111.9 0.520 215 1650 448
GTX470 115 1616 phoenix 1.46 poclbm VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=6
GTX480 101.28 0.405 250 1401 480
GTX480 140.43 1700 480 rpcminer-cuda -gpugrid=512 -gputhreads=480
GTX560 Ti 67.7 0.39 170 1700 384 standard EVGA 560, no overclock
GTX560 Ti 74.8 0.41 180 1700 384 gigabyte 900Mhz clock; -w 512 -v
GTX560 OC 86.7 <0.51 >170 1800 384 rpcminer-cuda source
GTX570 105.83 0.483 219 1464 480
GTX570 140 0.639 219 750 480 rpcminer-cuda.exe -aggression=10 -gpugrid=480 -gputhreads=960; display driver stops working with aggression=11 under win7 x64 driver 270.61
GTX570 157 0.717 219 850 480 rpcminer-cuda.exe -aggression=11 -gpugrid=120 -gputhreads=960
GTX580 140.05 0.574 244 1544 512
GTX590 193.1 --- --- 1215 2x 512 poclbm -v -w 256, Win
Quadro FX 580 5.7 0.14 40 1125 4 rpcminer-cuda, Win, -gpugrid=128 -gputhreads=512
Quadro FX 770M 5.75 500 32 DiabloMiner-Windows.exe BFI_INT FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=6, Win
Quadro FX 770M 6.39 500 32 DiabloMiner-Windows.exe BFI_INT FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=6 w 64, Win 7x64
Quadro FX 880M 9.6 poclbm/guiminer
Quadro FX 1600M 6 0.12 50 625 32 rpcminer-cuda, Win
Quadro FX 2000M 23 0.397 58 phoenix 1.48, -k poclbm, VECTORS, AGGRESION=6, Lenovo W520 platform
Quadro FX 2800M 22 0.293 75 600 96 DiabloMiner, win
Quadro FX 3600M 36 0.514 70 500 96
Quadro NVS 135M 1.05 0.1 10 800 1
Quadro NVS 295 1.7 0.07 23 567 8 phoenix
Quadro NVS 3100M 3.6 0.257 14 600 16 rpcminer-cuda, Win, CUDA 3.1.1
Quadro 5000 67.7 0.445 152 513 352 rpcminer-cuda.exe -aggression=7 gpugrid=352 gputhreads=704;
Tesla C1060 52.5 1296 240 poclbm, Win7x64
Tesla M2050 79.8 1550 448 DiabloMiner
Tesla S1070 155.2 rpcminer-cuda, Linux, CUDA 3.2, 4 instances (-gpu=0 through -gpu=3)
GTX280x2 102.7


A lot of nice data can be pulled from this thread to seed this section.

Might you wish to throttle CPU load a bit, so it doesn't reach 100°C, it can be done with Battle Encoder Shirase to a margin, like, -15% of available CPU cycles.

Often, the best combination to be is to throttle CPU miner to -5% AND set it to least of priority levels, so as not to choke GPU miner up.


Model nprocs Mhash/s Mhash/J TDP [W] CPU Clock Mhash/s CPU Mhash/s GPU GPU GPU Clock SP Software Notes
4x Opteron 6174 48 115 0.36 320W 2.2 GHz 2.4 cpuminer v0.8.1 --alg 4way --threads 48
2x Opteron 6128 16 32.4 0.141 230W 2 GHz 32.4 0.3.19 -4way
Athlon XP 2000+ 2 0.62 0.009 70W 1.67 GHz 0.62 0.3.18/Ubuntu source source
Athlon 64 3500+ 1 1.18 0.013 89W 2.54 GHz 1.18 ufasoft v0.4 overclocked (originally 2.2 GHz)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2 1.73 0.03 65 W 2.00 GHz 1.73 cpuminer (v0.8.1-1-g69529c3) -algo=4way
Athlon 64 X2 4000+ 2 1.9 0.02 65W 2.1 GHz 1.9 rpc-miner
Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 2.09 0.032 65W 2.3GHz 2.09 0.3.19/Win x64 source
Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 2 2.81 0.02 125W 3 GHz 2.81 source
Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition 2 2.9 0.023 125W 3.2 GHz 2.9 BETA/Win 7 x64 -4way
Athlon II X2 240e 2 2.71 0.06 45W 2.81 GHz 2.71 bitcoind source
Athlon II X2 250 2 5.6 0.09 65W 3.01GHz 5.6 bitcoin-miner 0.11
Athlon II X4 630 4 10.7 0.11 95W 2.8 GHz 10.7 bitcoin-miner 0.4
Phenom II X3 720 3 3.8 0.04 95W 2.8 GHz 3.8 0.3.1x/WinXP source
Phenom X4 9950 BE 4 9.3 0.07 126W 2.6 GHz 2.32 bitcoin-miner 0.13/WinXP No GPU
Phenom II X3 720 3 7.2 0.08 95W 2.8 GHz 7.2 cpu-miner 0.2.1/WinXP source
Phenom II X4 810 4 5.0 95W 2.8 GHz rpcminer-cpu
Phenom II X4 810 4 9.5 95W 2.8 GHz rpcminer-4way
Phenom II X4 810 4 10.5 95W 2.8 GHz ufasoft v0.10
Phenom II X4 955 4 11 0.09 125W 3.2 GHz 11 rpcminer-4way
Phenom II X4 965 4 12 0.09 140W 3.4 GHz 11 rpcminer-4way
Phenom II X6 1055T 6 15.84 0.13 125W 2.82 GHz 15.84 bitcoind source
Phenom II X6 1075T 6 21.3 125W minerd Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 runlevel=1 -algo=4way -threads=6
Phenom II X6 1090T 6 18 141W 3.50 GHz 3 minerd
Phenom II X6 1100T 6 22 0.176 125W 3.82 GHz 22 bitcoin-miner Aciid#bitcoin-dev
Zacate E-350 2 11 0.615 18W 1.6 Ghz 1.231 9.831 HD6310M 492 Mhz 80 poclbm -v -w128 + Ufasoft 0.7 stock speeds
Zacate E-350 2 12 1.648 Ghz 1.252 10.87 HD6310M 492 Mhz 80 poclbm -v -w 256 -f 1 "autotune" speed with ASUS EFI BIOS


Model p/t Mhash/s Mhash/J Mhash/$ /€ ACP [W] Clock Version Comment
ARM1136EJ-S 1 0.11 ? ? ? 0.528 GHz cpuminer git T-Mobile Pulse, inside Debian chroot, 'c' algo
Cortex-A8 1 0.125 0.36 <0.01 0.35 W 0.6 GHz cpuminer git (2011-03-26) Nokia N900: 'cryptopp'
Cortex-A8 1 0.2 0.57 <0.01 0.35 W 0.6 GHz cpuminer git (2011-03-26) Nokia N900: 'c' algo
2x Cortex-A9 2 0.57 1.14 <0.01 0.5 W 1.0 GHz cpuminer git (2011-03-24) Toshiba AC100, ubuntu, 'c' algo
Marvel Feroceon (88FR131) 1 0.195 0.224 <0.01 0.87 W 1.2 GHz cpuminer git (2011-06-15) Marvell SheevaPlug, Debian, 'c' algo


Model p/t Mhash/s Mhash/J Mhash / $[1]/€[2] ACP [W] Clock [GHz] Version Comment
Pentium III mobile ? 1 0.3 0.014 21 1.07 0.3.1x/Win2K source source
Pentium M 1.6ghz 1 .4 1.6 minerd (jgarzik's 1.0) cryppto, Windows 7
Pentium M 1.73ghz 1 .5 1.73 minerd (jgarzik's 1.0) cryppto, Windows 7
Old Xeon 512k (Dual) 2x1/2 2.0 3.0 cpuminer (v0.8.1-1-g69529c3) HT disabled, algo=4way (twice as fast as the 2nd best algo)
Pentium 4 2.0A 1 0.85 2.0 ufasoft-0.4/WinXP -g no -t 2
Pentium Dual-Core E2180 2/2 1.75 2.0 rpcminer-cpu Win7-64
Pentium Dual-Core E2180 2/2 4.1 2.0 cpuminer sse2_64
Pentium Dual-Core E2180 2/2 4.5 2.0 ufasoft v0.11 Win7-64
Pentium Dual-Core E5400 2/2 2.27 0.03 65 2.7 bitcoind source
Celeron E330 2/2 2.2 0.03 65 2.5 0.3.19/Ubuntu10.04 source
Core 2 Quad Q6600 4/4 11.0 0.02/0.06 105 2.40 bitcoin-miner 0.10 -a 60 -g no -t 4
Core 2 Quad Q8200 4/4 10.9 0.06/0.10 2.33 Ufasoft 0.14 -g no -l yes -t 4
Core 2 Quad Q9400 4/4 11 0.046 0.06/0.07 95 2.66 bitcoin-miner 0.10 -a 60 -g no -t 4
Core 2 Quad Q9650 4/4 18.67 0.05/0.06 95 4.00 bitcoin-miner 0.10 -a 60 -g no -t 4
Core i3 530 2/4 8.31 0.10 0.06/0.10 80 3.66 Ufasoft 0.7 -v -a5 -g no -t 4
Core i3 M350 2/4 1.48 0.04 35 2.27 bitcoind source
Core i5 M450 2/4 1.8 0.05 35 1.2 0.3.17/Win7-54 source
Core i5-650 2/4 5.1 0.04 ? 0.02/0.03 3.2 cpuminer-0.7 -4way
Core i5-750 4/4 14 0.06/0.10 3.2 bitcoin-miner 0.11 -a 5 -g no -t 4
Core i5 ? 4/? 6.5 client from svn source
Core i5-2400 4/4 4.5 0.05 0.02/0.03 95 3.1 cpuminer git (2011-01-22) cryptopp_asm32
Core i5-2400 4/4 14 0.15 0.07/0.09 95 3.1 cpuminer git (2011-03-26) sse2_64
Core i5 2500K 4/4 20.6 0.10/0.12 4.2 bitcoin-miner -g no
Core i5 2600K 4/8 17.3 75 3.4 bitcoin-miner -g no. 75W for the whole System without monitor (MSI Board). CPU underclocked to 3,4Ghz and undervolted to 1,012Vcore. Passive Cooling! 3.6ghz results in 18,4 Mhash/s
Core i7 620M 2/4 1.888 2.66 RPCMiner GUI v2011-05-22 / Mac OS X 10.6.7 Model: MacBookPro6,2 RAM: 4GB
Core i7 720QM 4/8 7.9 ? 45 2.8 ufasoft stream processors overclocked from 1.6 GHz; Dell Precision M6500, Win7-64, 8GB DDR3
Core i7 820 4/8 13.8 2.8 ufasoft -t 8
Core i7 920 4/8 19.2 0.10 195 4.0 (x21) ufasoft -a 5
Core i7 950 4/8 5.88 0.039 150 3.83 (x23) bitcoin- Win7-64
Core i7 950 4/8 18.9 0.126 150 3.83 (x23) ufasoft v0.4
Core i7 980x 6/12 19.2 0.15 130 4.4 (x33) cpuminer/Win7-64
Core i7 980x 6/12 8.7 3.9 (x27) 0.3.17/Win7-64
Core i7 2635QM 4/8 2.93 2.00 RPCMiner GUI v2011-05-22 / Mac OS X 10.6.7 Model: MacBookPro8,2 RAM: 4GB
Core i7 620M 2/4 6.3 0.18 35 2.66 ufasoft v0.4
Core i7 2600k 4/4 6.7 4.00 phoenix 0.48
Core 2 Duo U7600 1 1.1 1.2 minerd (jgarzik's 1.0) cryppto, Windows 7
Core 2 Duo E5200 2/2 6.2 0.086 72 2.76 Ufasoft/Win7-64 TDP is 65W + 7W overclock
Core 2 Duo E6550 1/2 2.45 2.33 cpuminer 0.7.1 (Linux) --algo=sse2_64
Core 2 Duo E6850 2/2 6.75 0.10 65 3.0 ufasoft-0.3
Core 2 Duo E7300 2/2 7.76 0.11 70 3.33 ufasoft-0.3 uncertain of overclock; miner optimized for Intel Core
Core 2 Duo E7300 2/2 2.52 0.04 65 2.66 bitcoind source
Core 2 Duo E8200 2/2 2.3 0.035 65 2.66 rpcminer-cpu
Core 2 Duo E8400 2/2 6.9 0.106 65 3.0 ufasoft v0.10 windows 7/64bit (-t 2)
Core 2 Duo E8500 1/2 3.6 3.16 guiminer v2011-06-14 windows vista 32bit
Core 2 Duo E8500 2/2 7.2 3.16 guiminer v2011-06-14 windows vista 32bit
Core 2 Duo T5450 2/2 2.5 0.07 35 1.63 bitcoin-miner 0.10 Ubuntu 11.04
Core 2 Duo T6400 2/2 4.2 0.12 35 2.00 cpuminer git (Linux) --algo=sse2_64
Core 2 Duo T7250 2/2 4.5 0.13 35 2.00 bitcoin-miner 0.13/WinXP No GPU
Core 2 Duo T7450 2/2 3.7 0.10 35 2.13 bitcoin-miner 0.10 Ubuntu 11.04
Core 2 Duo T9400 2/2 4.2 2.53 ufasoft v0.13 Win7-64
Core 2 Extreme X9000 2/2 2.37 2.8 rpcminer-cpu Win7-64
Core 2 Extreme X9000 2/2 6.2 2.8 ufasoft v0.11 Win7-64
Core 2 Extreme X9000 2/2 7.2 3.2 ufasoft v0.11 Win7-64 Overclocked from 2.8 GHz to 3.2 GHz
Xeon 2.8 2/2 0.8 2.8 cpuminer cryptopp_asm32
Xeon 3060 1/2 2.03 0.03 65 2. cpuminer 0.8.1 (Linux) --algo=cryptopp_asm32
Xeon Prestonia 2.4 (dual) 2x1/2 2.16 0.017 130 2.4 ufasoft v0.4
Xeon X5355 (dual) 2x4/4 10.13 0.16 120 2.6 bitcoind Roughly the same speed as the "c" algo in cpuminer
Xeon X5355 (dual) 2x4/4 22.76 0.09 120 2.6 cpuminer (v0.8.1-1-g69529c3) -O2 -march=core2, algo=sse2_64
Xeon X5365 (dual) 2x4/4 26.00 ? ? 3.0 cpuminer git (2011-06-15) algo=sse2_64
Xeon E5335 4/4 9.35 0.12 80 2.00 ufasoft v0.11 Vista-32
Xeon E5410 4/8 4.6 ? 80 2.33 cpuminer v1.0.2 --algo=4way CentOS 5.5 x64
Xeon E5440 4/8 7.3 ? 80 2.66 Kiv's poclbm-gui FIXME: Either wrong model # or wrong threads/speed info
Xeon E5520 4/8 6.5 0.08 80 2.27 bitcoind source
Xeon E5530 4/8 7.14 0.09 80 2.4 bitcoind source
Xeon E5630 (dual) 2x4/8 8 0.1 80 2.53 0.3.17/Win7-64 source
Xeon E6520 (dual) 2x4/8 24.7 2.53 ufasoft v0.10 windows 2008 R2 64bit (-t 16)
Xeon E7450 (quad) 4x6/24 60 2.40 ufasoft v0.13 -t 24
Xeon E7520 (dual) 2x4/16 18 95 1.87 ufasoft v0.10 windows 2008 R2 64bit (-t 16)
Xeon W3680 6/12 18 130 3.33 cpuminer v1.0.2 --algo=4way Ubuntu 11.04 64bit
Atom N230 1/2 0.375 4 1.6 rpcminer-cpu
Atom N230 1/2 0.245 4 1.6 rpcminer-4way
Atom N230 1/2 0.97 4 1.6 ufasoft v0.10
Atom N270 1/2 1.19 0.24 5 1.6 ufasoft v0.10
Atom D510 2/4 1.00 1.6 cpuminer w cryptopp_asm32 debian linux 6.0, headless system, 2 GB RAM, running from usb-flash
Atom D510 4/4 2.3 0.07 30 1.6 bitcoin-miner 0.10 Ubuntu 11.04 Server
  1. $ Prices from on 2011-06-25
  2. € Prices from on 2011-06-25


Model p/t Mhash/s Mhash/J Mhash/$ ACP [W] Clock Version Comment
Cell 6 21 0.35 0.07 60W 3.2 GHz cellminer Sony Playstation 3 (FAT): Needs custom firmware. source source Total power usage of PS3 fat is 120W but only the Cell cpu is active.
Cell 6 21 0.7 0.07 35W 3.2 GHz cellminer Sony Playstation 3 (SLIM): Total power usage of PS3 slim is 70W but only the Cell cpu is active.
MIPS 1 0.026 ? ? 200 MHz cpuminer ASUS WL-500G Deluxe router running OpenWrt
VIA Eden 1 1.3 0.17 8W 1600 MHz cpuminer VIA Eden w/ Padlock
PowerPC 7447A 1 0.53 1420 MHz cpuminer
BitForce SHA256 Single 1 1050 20W

FPGA Devices

FPGA Model Cores Mhash/s Mhash/J Mhash/$ Power [W] Board price Clock Version Board Comment
Altera EP4CE115C7 1 80 18.18 0.13 4.4 $595 ($299 academic) [1] 80 MHz fpgaminer 0.03 Terasic DE2-115 Unoptimized Pipelined version
Altera EP4CE115C7 1 109 0.18 $595 ($299 academic) [2] 109 MHz fpgaminer 0.03-makomk Terasic DE2-115 makomk's improvements
Xilinx XC5VLX110T-1FF1136 1 120 0.06 $1999 ($750 academic) [3] 120 MHz fpgaminer virtex5 XUPV5-LX110T Original non-configurable fully-unrolled Xilinx VHDL design
Xilinx XC3S500E-FG320-5 1 3.125 4.0 0.02 0.78 $149 ($99 academic) [4] 100 MHz fpgaminer Verilog Xilinx port Digilent Nexys 2 500K